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5 Types of Custom Plastic Cards Your Business Needs to Succeed

Custom plastic cards

Growing a business is all about forging customer relationship. A multi-pronged plastic card program can add teeth to your firm’s print marketing campaign. For the uninitiated, a plastic card program refers to everything from plastic membership cards to any plastic cards printing for your business. Inexpensive than other marketing methods, a well-managed plastic card program can help you get more customers, convert regular customers to loyal customers, and retain existing loyal customers. Shift your print marketing efforts to the next gear by getting these five types of custom plastic card for your business.

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5 Things You Need To Know When Ordering Plastic Cards Online

Plastic Cards

You need to know the basics before you can start ordering plastic cards online for your business. These are mainly choices that depend on your budget, POS setup, and other requirements. Right from card thickness to the type of magnetic stripe, you need to specify your choices before ordering the cards. Without further ado, here are 5 things you need to know before ordering cards online.

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Plastic vs Paper: Busting The Green Myth of Paper Business Cards

Custom Plastic Cards

Plastic is often hailed as the villain when discussing the environment. The common argument made against plastic is that it’s not biodegradable. However, that’s just one parameter on a long list of things that can cause environmental damage. While there is no denying the negative impact of plastic, in many ways, it is actually more environmentally friendly than paper. That’s right, according to EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory report, paper production facilities are one of the leading polluters in the nation. A traditional paper and pulp mill ends up polluting the land, water, and air. If you are still not convinced, following are 5 reasons why plastic business cards are greener than paper cards.

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